Sunday, May 21, 2017

Coca-Cola UEFA Swissotel Midpoint Alsancak Miniature Aluminum Bottle Turkey 2016

This miniature aluminum bottle was given free at fine dining restaurant of
 Swissotel Midpoint, Alsancak Turkey. 
This promotion was started for a week during UEFA .

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Coca-Cola #Artez #Linnch #Vuk Ćuk Aluminum Bottle Hungary 2017

#Linnch -"I was inspired by the first touch of coca cola bottle and drink. the effect of coke touching your tongue is explosive, energetic and cool, so i made compositions of bubbly and icy characters, drawn together, all swimming in pool of energy"

He is a guy who plays with fictional characters, reverse logic, and the moody world. Linnch often deals with social phenomena in his work, in a fun way, but sometimes with the effect of shock. He says that drawing is devoted to as much as 10 hours a day! He is also co-author of two festivals, and it is interesting that he also animated the spot for the song of Dinamid, the ensemble Who See.

 #Artez -"My task was to visually present sense of smell. I’ve decided to do it by illustrating all the ingredients that are necessary to create unique smell of Coca-Cola. The “Jungle” of smell that I like to call it was created from fruits and spices from all around the world - Mexican Lime, cinnamon from Madagascar and Indonesian vanilla, Malaysian nutmeg, coriander, lemon and orange flower."

Artez is one of Serbia's most famous street art artists. He has left his mark in many European cities - Berlin, Zagreb, Helsinki, Rome, Bucharest, Paris, but also in numerous cities throughout Argentina, Brazil and India. 

In the breaks between traveling, lives and works in Belgrade. His first graphite was raised in the yard of the 14th Gymnasium, and the general public became known for its brilliant graffiti in Sao Paulo inspired by the film Ko to there. 

He says he is doing the opposite - he first learned to draw in large format, and only later did he do a minor job! Until now, it has not come up with the packaging design, and one of its biggest challenges is that Coca-Cola is available to an extremely large number of people! He says he has managed to remain in a consistent style that people recognize him.

#Vuk Ćuk*Scent of smell "

He addressed the scent of the scent and linked it to the associations that certain scents invoke in our memories. The colors he used in his design are here to further highlight the messages of optimism and joy that Coca-Cola carries with him. In this project he says he enjoyed it because he was given the complete freedom to express and rehearse a bottle that fully reflects his Coca-Cola scent.